Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.Psalms 68:5-6

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Updates & Haiti! (WARNING- LONG POST!)

Life is beginning to settle down a bit here, Scott returned to work this week after four LONG weeks off.  He is doing well and I think he's just as glad as I am to be working back into a routine.  When you are not used to being home together and one of you isn't feeling their best, things can get a little hairy, just sayin....  We have been busy during those 4 weeks and got to spend some time with both sides of the family doing summer stuff and making memories.

In the adoption part of our life, things are moving forward, YEAH!  My fingerprints cleared through the FBI process and any day now we should get word that the home study has had final approval and we can submit the rest of our documents for the dossier.  This is great news and each time we move a step closer, even if it's small my heart swells with excitement for the day we get to meet the newest member/s of our family.  At times I get anxious about the amount of time we will have to wait for this day but have made peace with the fact that this is all about God's timing and my human nature to want to rush it interferes with His will for us.

The rest of our summer is going to fly by I'm afraid, I'm leaving for Haiti early Tuesday morning and by the time I'm back, there will only be a few weeks left before school starts, ouch!  I am excited about the opportunity to go back to Haiti and pray for a week that is a blessing for everyone involved.  Our mission for the week will be distribution of school supplies and shoes.  This sounds like an easy task, but for those who will be receiving these items this is an intense process.  I can only imagine walking but one day in these parent's lives where they struggle to provide, feed, clothe, and care for their children.  These people are in survival mode and so the excitement of receiving new things also comes with the fear of being overlooked or left out, thus creating a potentially dangerous situation for everyone involved.  Haitians are not violent people, they are desperate people, desperately wanting what we take for granted every single day here, basic things like a pencil and a pair of shoes.   To add to the picture, these children will be walking down the mountain to receive their supplies, a 2-3 hour walk, one way.  They will not complain, they are strong, tough and could put us to shame.  Our goal is to give them water when they arrive and hopefully a meal before they leave.  When I ponder this process I question how far would my 3 and 5 year old walk to receive pair of used shoes and a back pack with a few supplies in it (keep in mind this is not a Spiderman folder or an Angry Bird pencil box, this is basic stuff-yellow No. 2 pencil, maybe a wooden ruler in a ziploc baggie).  Such a humbling picture I get in my head, I know the answer, it's not even comparable.  I am also hoping to go visit a special set of twin girls that I got to meet in February.  As a family we committed to purchasing some goats for them and their mom, hopefully they were delivered to her this week and there will be time to reconnect with her while I'm there.  These twin babies broke.my.heart when I was there in February.  Their mom brought them to the mission and they were in a fragile place.  So, so tiny and in my heart I questioned and felt like they were possibly so, so unloved by their struggling mama.  Prayer warriors have surrounded this little family and from what I'm told they are doing well, can't wait to see it first hand!  Overall I'm looking forward to a little time away from the commodities of American life, Facebook, work, silly things that consume my time and energy.  I'm looking forward to the mode of praying for my daily bread, safety, and all the blessings being so in touch with Jesus brings.  Honestly, going to Haiti (or any 3rd world country) is something I think everyone should get to experience.  I'm not saying you have to go, return, and completely change how you live your life but I do think seeing first hand how much in our life we take for granted, how much we rely on self instead of God, how consumed we are with "stuff", how much time we waste online when we could be serving our neighbor or community is a good self-check for everyone, me included.  I'd like to leave you with a few prayer requests (and a video) if you don't mind, until next time, for His Glory....Christy

1.  For my sister Amy as she ventures to Haiti with me.  The enemy is filling her head with doubts and worries about her safety and leaving her family behind for a week.  Please pray that her week will be filled to the brim with blessings that only God can give.  Pray that she finds her purpose for allowing me to drag her with me to a crazy beautiful place.
2.  For safety for all involved and for an orderly, calm distribution process to be found.
3.  For health and well being for our team.
4.  For energy to get through our day in the Haitian heat and for peaceful sleep in the evening.
5.  For those we leave at home.  That the Lord would give them peace that we are ok and provide them energy to be single-parents.
6.  For team unity.


1 comment:

  1. Tears and prayers, Christy, tears and prayers. Hug those baby girls extra hard for me!!
