Hello to those who continue to check-in on us from time to time! Not much new to relay but I wanted to just do a quick update with what's up with our process. Things are currently in a stable but slow pattern in regards to the Ethiopian adoption world. There hasn't been any real progress but we haven't gone backward either so for now we are guardedly optimistic and hopeful we are headed in the right direction. Our agency is looking into building a partnership with two additional facilities in Ethiopia but even if that does formulate it will not change things overnight by any means. We have also at this time decided to let our home study expire. This was a very difficult decision. Financially it makes the most sense as the reality is we have no idea what/when/if we will ever complete our process. Logistically this is a stresser due to the fact that if/when the time comes for us to accept a referral we will have to start the process over from the beginning. For those of you who have completed a home study I know you understand what a headache this is! Now that it has officially expired and the decision has been made I have peace with it but once again it was one of those things that I lost sleep over. Mentally it made me feel like we were giving up, even like we failed and along with that the guilt of wondering if we made the wrong decision. I hate guilt. It's so hard for me to distinguish logical feelings from seeds of doubt I know the enemy wants to burden me with. I'm starting to see adoption kind of like a marathon and God's my coach. I've come to the realization that whether or not I cross this "finish-line" doesn't matter to him, maybe it wasn't even ever in his plan. Maybe his goal all along was to test me enough to see if I'd be willing to even sign up for the race? All I know is He's got this and I vow to be ready and willing when the time comes.
A few prayer requests if you don't mind...
1. For us and other waiting families who try to balance the knowns and unknowns into daily life.
2. For wisdom about what to keep updated and what to let expire within our remaining paperwork (Dossier).
3. For birthmom's that face decisions immeasurably harder than our own.