Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
I like this version...
Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.-James 1:27
The Message
let's add this to it...
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.-Micah 6:8
The Message
Adjusting to life post-Haiti has been different for me this time around. When I got home I had lots of distractions with health issues I needed to address so my mind didn't have much time to think about what I had just spent a week experiencing. Now that things have settled down (Thank you Lord!!) and I've had some time to reflect, I'm ready to go back, like now. Life in Haiti is H.A.R.D but so awesome all at the same time. One of the things I struggle with is how do we help these people? How do we help without hurting? How do I make myself an advocate for them without being preachy? At what point will people who say they are "Christian" start realizing that caring for people in need is one of the most God glorifying things we can do? (not just in Haiti, at home too and I mean CARING for people, not justifying excuses and reasons to do it "next time") I've been told several times (OK more than several) that "I could never go to Haiti," "I wouldn't last a day," "I'm not sure I could handle it," "I think I would die!" you get the point. To that I would agree and say that YES! we are not all cut out to go spend a week in the mountains of Haiti showering out of a peanut butter jar eating rice and beans but we ALL are called to do something, somewhere for those in circumstances less than our own. So, what does that look like? Have you even thought to ask God where he's calling you to help? One of the hardest decisions Scott and I have had to make is to actually say "yes" to committing to adopt. You see for years we have prayed for God to use us and our family and show us our calling. So you would think that when he did we would have been ecstatic. When God calls you to where he intends to use you it's not always easy to say yes. We made our first "real" commitment to adoption kicking, screaming, crying, and begging God to use a different family. We aren't qualified, "Christian" enough, wealthy enough, or maybe even that great of parents to the kids already in our home! But, the moment we hit the button on the computer to "submit" our first payment (this took me 3 days to do by the way, it sat open on our desktop staring at me, waiting for a simple click and I could not do it) all that doubt and fear went away. I knew we had done the right thing even though it was hard, like REALLY hard. I guess the point of this post and what I'm trying to get across is to think of life outside ourselves and our quiet, clean little neighborhoods. Remember that the faces you see in pictures and on TV in Haiti and elsewhere are real people, with real needs. Be bold and ask God to use you in the way he sees fit, dare to do something brave for someone else even if it takes away from your time and financial resources (it will be worth it, I promise). Sometimes when people ask me about leaving my kids to go to Haiti or surviving a week away from home in less than "awesome" conditions my response is this..."The people I get to meet and spend time with and the kids I get to love on and spoil for a few days never get a break from their circumstance. Missing my kids for a week isn't easy, but I get to spend time with kids who will never know what having a mom and dad to hold them when they are scared feels like. I think I can stretch myself for a week...." I pray we all find a way to stretch ourselves, somehow, someway, for HIS glory. You see there's no wrong way to do this, it's a win-win situation where no deed is too big or small as long as your focus is centered in Him. (If you can collect socks and underwear you can serve the Lord!) My prayer is that you will simply be brave enough to ask to be used, that you would be intentional in your commitment to serve, that you wouldn't read this post and forget the message...think of what we could accomplish if even half of us stepped out BOLDLY in faith, even if it's hard......think of what we could teach our kids about life when we live out the calling of James 1:27 in plain sight......serving and loving others before!
(these are the girls we've been praying so hard for since February, they are doing AWESOME!)
Love this girl and loved sharing this experience with her.
For all you non/anti-Facebookers (Becky...wink!) I would like to say a huge "Thank-You" for all your prayers concerning my last post. The biopsy came back "benign" and we are so thankful! The pathologist recommended that the area still be removed so we meet again with the surgeon next week to make a plan but in the meantime we rejoice in answered prayers!