It's been one of those weeks (months actually!) where life is feeling a little out of control. I was driving the other day and got behind this semi-load of bales with an "oversize load" sign on the back, I thought to myself "I know exactly what you mean!" You see these bales had to have been sitting all winter, they were a little worse for ware. When the driver started picking up speed, you guessed it, hay flew everywhere, they had a heck of a time "keeping it all together," and I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the road. That's sort of how life is in our house too. For far too long we've been doing the comfortable thing, sitting around doing "status-quo" but now God's got us out on the hi-way of a crazy life called to do hard things that stretch us. There are days we feel a bit frazzled, like there is a little bit too much wind in our hair, a bit like we may fall apart at even the slightest curve, a bit like we can't keep our focus. I knew when we said "yes" to adoption it wouldn't be easy, I knew there would be spiritual warfare in our hearts and minds, I knew we would be discouraged but I also knew that the ONE who called us on this journey would be right there holding us up.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
So, when appointments get rescheduled last minute, and home study visits get cancelled because of snow and then the flu, when someone thinks the many hours we put into our homework isn't enough, or when finances keep us awake at night, we are focusing on HIS word...Do not be afraid about the money, I've got this. Do not be discouraged that things aren't happening on your timeline, Mine's better anyway. I have never left your side and I don't plan on leaving any time soon.-GOD
Leaving you with a few pictures, have a great weekend!
Fingerprints for our FBI check...
more fingerprints...
bloodwork and shots for homestudy and dossier!